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Student Spotlight: 布莱恩·埃利斯’22 (Adolescence and Special Education, M.Ed.)


本周, 美高梅mgm平台把焦点放在布莱恩·埃利斯身上, an exceptional Roberts Wesleyan graduate student who left the corporate world to pursue his dream of teaching.

通过他对英语语言艺术的热爱, Brian is raising the next generation to love culturally diverse literature. 

How do you use your Roberts education to inform your current career?

As a teaching assistant at The Norman Howard school, my education at Roberts has been absolutely phenomenal.

As a “career changer” who is moving from retail leadership to education, the skills and information that I have learned during this program have been instrumental in helping me implement classroom skills that have the most impact on my students' learning and growth.

用我在罗伯茨学到的技能, I know I will have a long and successful career in education.

关于你在罗伯茨大学的学业, what do you feel will be the most helpful after you graduate?

The intense focus on teaching students with disabilities and on multi-modal instruction practices.

除此之外, the support and encouragement that I received while completing the research for my Master’s thesis were exceptional.

I focused my research on LGBTQIA+ literature curriculum in the English Language Arts (ELA) classroom, which is a particular area of my own professional interest.

This research will be a major help to me after graduation. It has led me to desire to move forward with a doctoral program focusing on curriculum design and instruction so that I can continue to research and develop a fully inclusive ELA curriculum.


I've always had a desire to teach others and to help them with their literacy skills. Literature should be a gateway to learning about life and the world around us.

I want to help students learn to love literature and 阅读 by giving them the opportunity to read texts that represent them culturally and allow them to learn about the cultures of other people.

这样做的时候, I want to help them learn how to solve the social problems that students face in their everyday lives.

What course (so far) has been your favorite and why?

First, Application of Literacy Theory with Professor Coirazza.

这门课很吸引人, 深入, and extremely helpful in my current role working with students who have challenges with basic 阅读 and 阅读 comprehension skills.

二、内容教学方法. Emily Robinson.

Dr. Robinson made the course engaging and entertaining, with assignments that were helpful in developing future classroom teaching skills and techniques.

The ability to work with a content specialist throughout the course was extremely helpful in order to develop lesson and unit plans for future use.



毕业后, I plan to continue my education by pursuing a doctoral program in curriculum instruction and design.

I plan to move from a teaching assistant position to a classroom teacher position in English language arts, 阅读, 或者特殊教育.

After a 16-year detour into various fields of retail and business leadership, returning to my passion of teaching has been a dream many years in the making and has been everything I expected it to be and more.

What advice would you give to incoming Adult and 研究生 students?

First, make sure you have people who support you in your graduate endeavors.

Having family or friends on your side to help push you and support you when you need it is of the utmost necessity when entering a rigorous course of study.

第二,时间管理是关键. Do not wait until the last minute to complete assignments. Try to get ahead on coursework as much as possible.


Emily Robinson

“As an educator, Brian exemplifies both the art and science of teaching. He is a natural leader with the ability to create purposeful and relevant lessons that maximize student engagement and learning.

“除了, his approachable and friendly demeanor makes him a powerful role model for everyone he interacts with. Brian has and will continue to be a positive force in education!”



"Brian has been an exceptional graduate student at Roberts Wesleyan. Bringing in real-world experiences from his time working in management, combined with the passion to work with struggling and underrepresented students, 作为一名教育家,他将有一个光明的前途.

"He is a role model that other graduate students looked to as an exemplar of what it means to be dedicated to the craft of teaching and to work hard. He has always found a way to bring out the best from everybody he has been around.

Brian embodies the best of what 美高梅mgm平台 represents.”

-Dr. 约翰·克利福德,教育学副教授


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