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Student Spotlight: Khual Mung’23 (Ministry)

Khual Mung照片

“My major has given me the best opportunity to learn more about Jesus. The most beautiful aspect of studying my major is being able to comprehend his life, 任务, 以及对耶稣独特的看法.”

Khual Mung serves God through music. Whether it’s playing for Chapel or mentoring younger people, this dedicated young man has a bright future in Ministry.

What would you love to do in Ministry?

I currently conduct worship for God as my calling and mentor young people in my community. I am here to serve the Lord, my Savior, and I will carry out the tasks he has given me to complete. I’d like to encourage people and share the gospel with them through music. 

Here’s a short video of me covering “Oceans” by Hillsong.

How will your Roberts education help you do that?

Roberts helped me learn about Jesus and how to be a better ministry worker! I learned to view Jesus from several angles and had a greater knowledge of how other religions operate. Being a student here has strengthened my faith in Christ.

How has Roberts impacted your spiritual journey?

I’ve grown in my relationship with God by attending Wednesday and Friday chapel. I occasionally have a rough day, but reading God's word helps me to recover my faith. 

My spiritual path is further aided by the encouragement I receive from my lecturers and friends through the Bible.

What is the best thing about studying your major?

My major has given me the best opportunity to learn more about Jesus. The most beautiful aspect of studying my major is being able to comprehend his life, 任务, 以及对耶稣独特的看法. 

Because He was blameless and innocent, yet offered His life for all people, He is the most fascinating person in the universe. No other individual in history has ever risen from the dead. Many other gods have passed away, but He resurrected three days later. 

So, 对我来说, bettering my grasp of Christianity and other religions is the best aspect of studying about my major (mainly the character of Jesus).

What’s your favorite Bible verse and why?

“我没有吩咐过你吗? 要坚强勇敢. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.(约书亚记1:9)

I am reminded of God's love by this verse. 在我最黑暗的时刻, I was comforted by the memory of this Bible scripture, which also served as a reminder that my God is with me and that, 以耶稣的名义, 我可以完成所有的事情. 

Knowing that God is with me gives me courage from inside, and I am no longer fearful. I always say, "I don't prepare, but I was born ready." 

What’s it like to play on the Worship team?

当我敬拜上帝, I feel liberated and unstoppable because I believe it is where I am intended to be and where I belong. 

One day spent in your temple is preferable to a thousand elsewhere, according to Psalm 84:10. 当我赞美上帝时,我感到平静. 

Here’s a video of me leading worship at Chapel! 

What advice would you give to someone who wants to deepen their relationship with the Lord?

One can develop a closer relationship with the Lord through reading the Bible, 反思它所说的话, 和祈祷. 

Prior to sharing or exchanging thoughts with someone who shares your beliefs—and, 更重要的是, someone you can trust—it is necessary to find peace in God. 

Because it can make us happy and realize how magnificent our God is through lyrics or music, praise and worship can also assist someone's relationship with the Lord grow.

If you could help everyone understand one thing, what would it be and why?


Although love is a simple concept that anybody can easily utter, it is capable of far more than we can ever conceive. 爱 is a strong force that binds us together even though it may also harm or help. Jesus gave everyone of us a new life and saved us from our sins out of love. 

According to 1 Corinthians 13:4–8a, love is kind and patient; it does not boast or harbor any enmities, and it is not stern or arrogant (ESV). 它不是急躁或痛苦, it doesn't demand things happen a specific way, and it doesn't take pleasure in wrongdoing rather than the truth. 

Due to Jesus' demonstrated love on the cross, love has the power to transform a person's life.



“Khual's eagerness to learn for the sake of serving others well is evident in every class he has taken with me.  He faces every challenge with a sincere determination to be faithful to his calling from God. This makes him a real joy to teach.”

克里斯汀·赫尔姆斯, Associate Professor of Biblical Studies; Academic Director, Department of Religion and Philosophy

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